Rua Ursula Paulino - City of Betania, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, 2017-2018
- Managed, reviewed, commented and provided expertise on Engineering & Design Control Device plans. The project was a two-lane roadway including signing and pavement marking replacement.
- MD 5 Hughesville Bypass, Charles County, MD
- Managed this project from the design initiation meeting in August 2000, through the design completion stage in August 2006. This project had a construction budget amounting to more than $35 million. Directly responsible for over $2 million worth of traffic control devices plans for this portion of the project, such as traffic signing, signals, lighting, utility relocations and power feed coordination.
- Involvement in Geometric Design included Controlled Access highway design, number of intersection legs, channelization, horizontal and roadway alignments, typical sections, lane configurations, super elevation rate and transitions, interchange, ramps, bypass alignment curves, corner radius, sight distance, stop distance, decision sight distance, intersection sight distance, pedestrian treatments, curb ramp design detectable warning surfaces, and bicycle facilities engineering studies. The Traffic engineering plans included geometric design, traffic signing, tourism signs, pavement markings, lighting and signals, and ITS design using MUTCD, AASHTO, Book of Standards, Specifications, etc. Involved in writing specifications for signing, pavement markings, lighting, signal, ITS and channelization, and in the structural support and foundation calculations. In addition, I participated in meetings with government agencies, constructability and field reviews, and QA/QC.
- The 3.2-mile Hughesville Bypass is a four-lane divided highway located between north of Gallant Green Road and south of Deborah Drive around the eastern side of Hughesville Charles County. Construction of on the bypass began in 2004, and with its completion, provides congestion relief for the more than 41,000 motorists who travel through the Town of Hughesville, and who use MD 5, from St. Mary’s to Charles Counties, due to the expected growth in Southern Maryland.
- MD 2 (Solomon Island Road) at Friendship/Sansbury Road), Roundabout, Anne Arundel County, MD- (Design-build)
- The preliminary investigation meeting for this project was November 2005. Managed this project from the preliminary investigation through final design stage in March 2007. The total construction cost for this project was approximately $2 million. Responsible for the traffic portion valued at approximately $300,000.
- Served as a project manager engineer, planning, operations analysis, traffic engineering studies and designed traffic control devices and geometric plans. Involved on traffic engineering studies, which included: traffic signal versus roundabout studies, speed and delay studies. Involvement in geometric design included channelization, horizontal and vertical alignment, corner radius, sight distance, stop distance, decision sight distance, intersection sight distance, typical sections, lane configurations, super elevation rate and transitions, pedestrian treatments, curb ramp design detectable warning surfaces, and bicycle facilities engineering studies. The Traffic engineering plans included geometric design, traffic signing, tourism signs, pavement markings, and lighting using MUTCD, AASHTO, Book of Standards, Specifications, etc. Also involved in writing specifications for signing, pavement markings and lighting, and in the structural support and foundation calculations. In addition, participated in meetings with government agencies, constructability and field reviews, and QA/QC.
- MD 2 at Friendship and Sansbury Road constituted a four legged unsignalized intersection with stop signs located on eastbound (Friendship Road) and westbound (Sansbury Road) directions.
- MD 261 From 1st. to Old Bayside Rd./ MD 260, Calvert County, MD
- Supervised this project from the preliminary field investigation in October 2004, through the final design stage in February 2007. The total construction cost for this project was approximately $3.5 million. Responsible for the traffic control devices portion valued at $200,000.
- Provided expertise on signing, pavement marking, lighting, and signal design. I assigned responsibilities and due dates, held team meeting with members from other SHA offices and ensured a wide range of requirements, policies and laws were accomplished.
- RELATED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT: MD 261 serves as a “main street” through the town of Chesapeake Beach and as a commuter route providing access to MD 2 and MD 4 via MD 260. The proposed improvements included drainage, intersection modifications, new curb and gutter, sidewalks, boardwalks and landscape that blended with the town’s effort to enhance small town with beach resort community.
- MD 256/ MD 258 Roundabout , Anne Arundel County, MD
- Led this project from the project initiation meeting stage May 2004, through final design stage in November 2005. The total construction cost for this project was approximately $2.5 million. Responsible for the traffic portion valued at $120,000.
- Supplied expertise in signing, pavement marking, and lighting design. Assigned responsibilities and due dates, held team members from another SHA offices and ensured a wide range of requirements, policies and laws were met, this required me to have a working knowledge of the policies and laws governing all aspects of this project.
- This project included a roundabout and geometric improvements.
- MD 295 (Baltimore-Washington Parkway), Anne Arundel County, MD (Various Projects)
- Directed these projects from concept through design completion - January 1998, through the final design stages in January 2007. Served as a project manager engineer, planning, operations analysis, traffic engineering studies and designed traffic control devices and geometric plans. Experience on traffic engineering studies included: Traffic Signal versus roundabout Studies, corridor studies, speed and delay studies. Experience in Geometric Design included channelization, horizontal and roadway alignment, corner radius, sight distance, stop distance, decision sight distance, intersection sight distance, typical sections, lane configurations, super elevation rate and transitions, pedestrian treatments, curb ramp design detectable warning surfaces, and bicycle facilities engineering studies. The Traffic engineering plans included geometric design, traffic signing, tourism signs, pavement markings, lighting, and ITS design using MUTCD, AASHTO, Book of Standards, Specifications, etc. Involved in writing specifications for signing, pavement markings, lighting, and ITS, and in the structural support and foundation calculations. In addition, Participated in meetings with government agencies, constructability and field reviews, and QA/QC.
- RELATED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT: These projects were located along MD 295 in Anne Arundel County. The scope of work included the construction of a third lane along MD 295 and two roundabouts at Arundel Mills Boulevard interchange. These projects included, but were not limited to; right-of-way acquisition, stormwater management, hydraulic design, pavement, traffic signing, lighting, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) and MOT. In addition, aesthetic improvements were incorporated, such as landscaping and median traffic barrier
- MD 542 (Loch Raven Boulevard) – From Joppa Road to South of Taylor Avenue, Baltimore County, MD
- Managed these projects from concept design in October 1999, through final design stages in March 2000. The project had a total construction budget valued at over $8 million. Responsible for the traffic control portion of this project, approximately $800,000.
- Experience in geometric design included number of intersection legs, channelization, horizontal and vertical alignments, typical sections, lane configurations, super elevation rate and transitions, corner radius, stop distance, decision sight distance, intersection sight distance, pedestrian treatments, curb ramp design detectable warning surfaces, and bicycle facilities engineering studies. The Traffic engineering plans included geometric design, traffic signing, pavement markings, lighting and signal design using MUTCD, AASHTO, Book of Standards, Specifications, etc. Involved in writing specifications for signing, pavement markings, lighting, and signal, and in the structural support and foundation calculations. In addition, Participated in meetings with government agencies, constructability and field reviews, and QA/QC.
- Various Projects involving intensive geometric, signing, pavement marking, lighting, truck weigh station and signal design, MD
- MD 122 (Security Blvd.) at I-695 , Baltimore County
- US 219 @ CO 170 Mosser Rd. & spur to Deep Creek & Glendale Road, Garrett County
- MD 140 from Nob Hill Park Drive to Brian Daniel/Woodfield Court, Baltimore County
- I-68 @ CO 660 - Orleans Road, Washington County
- MD 22: From Mount Royal Ave to MD 132 B (N. Post Road), Harford County
- MD 66 At Mount Aetna Roundabout, Washington County
- Various Projects involving Traffic Control Devices Design on Park & Ride ridesharing, MD
- MD 7 (Old Philadelphia Rd.) at Belcamp Road, Harford County
- MD 765 @ Newton Rd. Park & Ride, Calvert County
- MD 2/ MD 4 Park & Ride Expansion at Ball Road, Calvert County
- MD 2 Ridesharing Facilities at MD 262 Sunderland, Calvert County
- Various Projects involving signals, HIB and APS, MD
- MD 122 from I-695 Outer Loop Ramp to Perimeter Dr./SSA, Baltimore County
- MD 122 (Security Blvd.) at I-695, Baltimore County
- US 219 @ CO 170 Mosser Rd. & spur to Deep Creek & Glendale Rd., Garrett County
- MD 22 (Churchville Road) & Campus Hill Shopping Center, Baltimore County
- MD 140 from Nob Hill Park Drive to Brian Daniel/Woodfield Ct., Baltimore County
- MD 140 (Franklin Blvd./Cherry Hill Rd.), Baltimore County
- Bridge-de-icing when flashing
- Various Projects involving ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) and Truck Weigh Station, MD
- I-83 SB (Sign for truck weigh station), Baltimore County
- Various Rush Projects with less than 15 days - Plans and Specifications (signing and pavement markings), MD
- Cross-Walks - Diagonal crossing for MD 542 @ Putty Hill Drive, Baltimore County
- MD 295 SB at south of I-195, Anne Arundel County
- MD 295 and Arundel Mills Boulevard - Signing modification, Arundel Mills Mall, Anne Arundel County
- MD 140 from Nob Hill Park Drive to Brian Daniel/Woodfield Ct., Baltimore County
- MD 140 Franklin Blvd./Cherry Hill Rd., Baltimore County
- Various Special Signs developed designs - adopted as standard
- R3 -7 (Right Lane Must Turn Right at Van Doornik Drive)
- R10-4(1) Push Botton to Cross (with Spanish instructions)
- OM-3/D3- Objects Markers - Advance Street/River Name panel